Contact Us

Who can use this feature

Site Admin, Channel Admin

Supported features: Contact Us Page


This widget is designed to appear on the Contact Us page template.

The contact form is for viewers to submit a request when they have a question or want to provide feedback on your platform. When the viewer submits their request, the request is sent to an email address which you’ll provide when you configure this page template. You can also customize the page title and text that appears before the fillable fields on the form.

When configuring the Contact Us widget, you can customize the title and description for the Contact Us page, and specify which email address the viewer's request or inquiry will be sent to.

If you have the Multi-Language feature with your Vidflex subscription plan, you can have separate Contact Us pages for English and French.

Configuring the Contact Us Widget

First, follow the instructions in Accessing Widgets, then follow the instructions below.

  1. If you have the Multi-Language feature, click the language that you want to edit.
  2. Click Contact Us in the Widgets submenu.
  3. Enter the email address of the intended recipient (e.g., this could be the site administrator or someone within your organization).
  4. Enter a title for the page. (It appears at the top of the page.)
  5. Enter a description for the page. (It appears just below the title. You can provide some information here to your viewers such as when they can expect a response and any guidelines for submitting a request or inquiry.)
  6. Click Save.
  7. If you want to add another language to the Contact Us widget, repeat the steps above.