User List Import File Example

Who can use this feature

Site Admin, Channel Admin

Supported features: User Management, User Groups


In the User Management feature, you can easily add multiple users to your Vidflex site in just a few clicks.

For example, you might have a list of customer information stored in your marketing automation application and you can export this list as a '.csv' file to be edited later.

Download Template

Download the example import CSV file in the link below.

  1. Download link: Vidflex Import File Example
  2. Remove all of the example data in row 2 as it's there for example purposes only

Creating Your User List Import File

Below describes which fields in the csv file are required and optional. If a required field is left empty it will make the import fail until it's been updated properly in the file.

  • email address (required)
  • first name (required if live chat, live comments, or polling is enabled on the Vidflex platform, otherwise this is an optional field to fill)
  • last name (required if live chat, live comments, or polling is enabled on the Vidflex platform, otherwise this is an optional field to fill)
  • display name (required if live chat, live comments, or polling is enabled on the Vidflex platform, otherwise this is an optional field to fill)
  • company name (optional)
  • password (optional)
  • isverified (optional)
    • (y/n/blank) = States the user is verified.
  • sendemail (optional)
    • Add one of the following: y/n/blank
    • Send an email to the user once imported. If 'y' is added the system will send an email to the user, 'n' sends no email to the user.
  • language (optional) (en/fr/blank) Sends either the English or French email template to the user. Leaving it blanks defaults to the English email template

Key reminders!

  • Do not add any rows above the row 1 headers! This will make the import fail immediately
  • Do not change the row 1 headers
  • Do not leave an empty row in between other filled rows
  • If firstname/lastname/password column has been filled in the CSV file and the user account already exists, it will update the existing user with the new information. If field is blank, it will leave existing information in the database for that row
  • If the display name column is included, it will check if the display name is unique. If the display name is not unique or is blank, a unique display name will be auto generated when importing the user
  • If the display name column is not included, a unique display name will be auto generated
  • You can include a maximum of 500 users in a single '.csv' file. If the file exceeds 500 users, you will receive an error message and the file will not import successfully.

Importing to your site

  1. After downloading the csv import template, ensure the following 9 headings are present in row 1

    email firstname lastname displayname company password isverified sendemail language
  2. Remove the example data from row 2 if you haven't already
  3. Start adding your list of users to the columns
  4. When finished, review file for any spelling mistakes or missed fields
  5. Save the file and give it a different name of your choosing
  6. When ready, upload the '.csv' file to your Vidflex site
  7. Wait for the upload to complete. If any errors are found in the file the system will generate an error on your screen giving some indication on what made it fail. Make any updates needed and try again
  8. When the import has completed you can now manage these new users on your site