
Who can use this feature

Site Admins and Channel Admins

Supported by: Live Event, VOD (PPV ONLY!)


The addition of the geolocation feature allows you to determine pricing based on your viewers’ location.

Once you’ve set up the location-based rules determined by Geolocation you can direct all country-specific content and pricing on your platform. Your global audience can receive discounts or other price points based on the geofencing rules and the country they’re located in.

How Geolocation Works

Restrict content based on your viewers location (continent, country or group of countries) by:

  • Creating Geolocation groups (link to related content)
  • Applying Geolocation groups and pricing rules in a video container (link to related content)
  • Use in conjunction with monetization and other purchase rules

Video Tutorial


Create a New Geolocation Rule

  1. Look under Global Settings in the back end left menu
  2. Select the Geolocation menu item on the left-hand side 
  3. Select +New Group
  4. Define the continent and country in which to set the rule; you can also use the search bar to find the country.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 to create additional geolocation groups


  1. Open the rule with the edit link on the right-hand side
  2. Once opened, you can make changes to the following:
    1. Group title
    2. Selection of continent
    3. Selection of country - Once the continent has been selected you can use the search bar to find the country
  3. Click ‘Save'

When a rule is in use and selected in the purchase tab on a video container, it can’t be edited. To edit the rule, you must delete it from the video containers in which it’s in use. A message will appear when attempting to make changes to a rule already in use. (see below)

Delete A Geolocation Rule

Select if you wish to remove the Geolocation rule; a prompt will appear to confirm the deletion

Create a new rule in a video container

The video containers provide the ability to create/update pricing and e-commerce sellers. Let’s walk through the last few steps to complete the application of the geolocation rules.
  1. Go to the video library (first selection on the left side menu)
  2. Select the video you wish to make changes to and open the video container to ‘edit’
  3. On the top menu bar select the ‘purchase and location’ tab
  4. Click on +Pricing Rule to create a new rule

  1. Toggle state – active or inactive
  2. Is video free? Toggle yes or no
  3. Price – set a price for the videos (amount must be $0.50 or higher)
  4. Add the following details
    1. Sellers
    2. Product Category
    3. Payment Gateway
    4. Geolocation Group access – select a group to which the pricing applies
  5. Manage groups (the link will take you back to the Geolocation screen in e-commerce
  6. Save

Once the pricing rule has been set, you’ll see the details in the purchase tab under “pricing rules”. From here, you can make changes to the following:

  1. Ability to toggle the state: active or inactive
  2. Edit
  3. Delete: a prompt will appear to confirm deletion

Tip: We suggest creating no more than 2 rules per video. The feature works best by utilizing a free rule and a rule with an associated cost.

Using with Pricing Rules

Tips & tricks

  • If no rule is created, the video will be free and available worldwide.
  • The same geolocation group can be used in multiple containers yet can only be applied once per container. 
  • If a container has multiple ‘one time purchase’ rules, each with an applied “location rule” for the same country, the lowest price rule will take effect. For example, if one rule had a purchase price of $5.00 and another rule had a purchase price of free, the free price would take precedence.
  • The rules you’ve set can either offer your audience a discounted price or price increase based on their country or region.

Once applied, the pricing rule is greyed out in the container you’re viewing.

The Audiences' Perspective

  • The published content will still appear for all visitors to the site on the front end
  • When the viewer selects a video outside of their country’s permission access, a message will appear: ‘The video is not available in your country’ and, as a result, are not able to watch it.
  • If there are two rules that offer different price points (e.g. one free and the other with a charge) a ‘$’ will still appear on the video container as well as on the video slider.
  • Once the viewer selects a video and opens the player, the cost of the video will reflect the viewer's location.
  • The payment process for purchasing a video remains unchanged for the viewer.