Single Purchase Pay-Per-View

Who can use this feature

Site Admins and Channel Admins

Supported features: Videos, Live Events


The Vidflex™ Pay-Per-View (PPV) feature enables you to apply a cost to your content for your viewers to watch after paying the one-time fee. This feature allows you to control the cost and select the videos that apply individually.

Screenshot taken from a live event container > Purcahse tab

Other available settings aligned with PPV include:

  • A download must be available in order for the purchaser to download its mp4 file
  • Selecting a start and end date allowing the purchaser to view the content for an allotted period of time
  • Providing guest access and group guest access
  • Hiding attachments behind the payment wall before a purchaser gets access to them
  • Geolocation rule


Once an E-commerce Seller profile has been set up, follow these steps to add a charge to your video.

  1. Go to the library and select the event or video to add the cost
  2. Click the ‘Edit’ button to open the video container
  3. Now looking inside the container, on the top menu of the select the ‘Purchase’ tab

Create a Pricing Rule

  1. Click on +Pricing Rule to create a new rule
  2. Select a Date Range or Days Accessible
  3. Setup the Date Range that you want your video to be available, if selected or, the number of days your video will be accessible
  4. Select Paid or Free
  5. Price – Set a price for the video (amount must be $0.50 or higher)
  6. Select a Seller from the dropdown list
  7. Select the Payment Gateway
  8. Geolocation Group Access - if applicable - select a group to apply the pricing rule
  9. Set the state to Active or Inactive
  10. Hit ‘Save’ to save the pricing rule
  11. Once the details are populated click ‘save’ to save your changes to the video container
  • Stream only price rules start date begins immediately, but can have an expiry date added
  • Download only price rules can have an optional start and end date
  • Stream + Download price rule: the start date only applies to the download, the end date applies to both stream and download
Screentake taken from the Stream Only price rule config modal

Edit Pricing Rules

This feature offers the freedom to edit the cost associated with your videos when necessary to best suit your business needs. Customizing the cost gives you the ability to personalize your services and follow your audience trends.


  1. Select ‘Edit’ on the pricing rule you’d like to update:
    1. Date Range or Days Accessible, and the range or number of days
    2. Paid or Free
    3. Price
    4. Seller
    5. Payment Gateway
    6. Geolocation Group Access
    7. State Active/Inactive
  2. Hit ‘Save’ to save your changes

Configuring Guest Access

Guest Access

Provide guests from the list of your registered users on the platform to receive access to the videos free. 

  1. Type the email and search by entering at least 3 characters to populate the search bar
  2. Click the ‘Add Users to Guest Access’ button to add to the list
  3. Changes to guest access take immediate effect

  4. Notify a user that they have been granted guest access by clicking the 'Email' button for that user.

To remove a user from the package select the ‘ Remove’ Button, a prompt will appear as a security measure to confirm deletion.

Group Guest Access

Provide guests Group access from a pre-created user group to receive access to the videos free.

  1. Select a group from the options listed
  2. To search, type group name by entering at least 3 characters to populate the search bar
  3. Click ‘Save’ when ready

Audiences’ Perspective

Pay-per-view provides insight and a better opportunity to define (and refine) your target audience. Free content is useful, yet those willing to pay for your content see the most value in it and are more likely to invest in your brand. Use pay-per-view as a stepping stone to generate ROI (return on investment) and introduce viewers to other services like subscription and packages.

A few notes regarding the audiences experience

  • Geolocation: If you’re using geolocation rules remember it will define different costs and accessibility with your pricing rules
  • My Accounts’ will show details of the transaction as well as the amount of days the video is accessible (if applicable)