
Vertical table with tabs

Viewing the main Sellers screen, click the + Create Seller button. This will open a new page to start adding information about the seller.

The Seller Details sub-menu is for adding your Stripe billing information. 

  1. Complete each field by adding your billing information. All fields with an asterix '*' are required.
  2. When all applicable fields are filled in, click Save.
Name *
Add the same name as your stripe account (required)
Select the currency that you want to charge for each transaction
  • US Dollar
  • Canadian Dollar
Country *
Choose Canada, USA, Other (required)
Locked at '2'
State / Province
Drop-down will provide a list of provinces or states based on country selection
Select the type of rounding you want for each transaction. This controls rounding up or down to the nearest cent.

  • Round Half Up (default)
  • Round Half Down
  • Round Floor
  • Round Ceiling
Street Address1*
Add your billing address (required)
A seller profile must be in an enabled state in order to use it
Enable / Disable
Street Address2
Add a second address if applicable
Tax identifications for invoicing
Add your tax IDs if applicable
City *
Type in the name of your city/town

Payment Gateways

The Payment Gateways sub-menu screen is where you'll add your own stripe API live and test keys in order to activate purchasing.

Once you can log in to your stripe account, you'll need to copy four different API keys into a notepad, or have your Vidflex™ site open in another tab to paste each key into the corresponding payment gateway fields.

These steps are done in both your stripe account & Vidflex™ site

  1. Login to your stripe account in one browser tab, and then open the Payment Gateways sub-menu on your Vidflex™ site in another tab.
  2. Verify you're on the Home tab in the upper tabs menu.
  3. On the far right side you will see a toggle to change the account mode from Test mode to Live mode.

    Let's start with  Live mode first.

    If you do not see Live mode available, complete your stripe account set up and then come back to this step.

  4. Copy the Publishable Key in the box below the toggle, and paste it into the Publishable Live Key field on your Vidflex™ site.
  5. Back on your stripe account, under the Publishable Key is the Secret Key. Click the eyeball icon to reveal this key.
  6. Copy and paste the Secret Key into the Secret Live Key field on your Vidflex™ site.
  7. Back on your stripe account, toggle the account mode from Live mode to Test mode and repeat steps 4-6. Make sure this time to paste the values into the Publishable Test Key and Secret Test Key fields on your Vidflex™ site.

The image below references the stripe account Home dashboard.

Stripe Key Format Examples

Live Keys Examples Test Key Examples
Publishable Live Key
  • pk_live_[unique value]
Publishable Test Key
  • pk_test_[unique value]
Secret Live Key
  • sk_live_[unique value]
Secret Test Key
  • sk_test_[unique value]

Test mode

Test mode is highly recommended using for testing a transaction on your Vidflex™ site before you enable live purchases. This allows you to also experience the purchase process so that you can become familiar with it if you have to troubleshoot a customer transaction.

Test mode can still be activated if your stripe live API keys are unavailable!


  1. Viewing the Payment Gateways sub-menu scree, change the Mode to TEST
  2. In the Publishable Live Key field, copy and paste the following value within the quotes: "pk_live_..."
  3. In the Secret Live Key field, copy and paste the following value within the quotes: "sk_live_..."
  4. Copy and paste the Test keys from your stripe account into the corresponding Publishable Test Key and Secret Test Key fields.
  5. Change State to Enabled, and click Save.
  6. If you see an error in red after attempting to save, double-check the format of each key was entered correctly without any added spaces at the end of the key.


Vidflex™ allows you to configure tax rules if that is something you are required to collect on any purchases made on your site.

Please speak with your accountant to find out if the requirements for collecting taxes apply to you.

To create a tax rule, follow the steps below

All fields with an asterix ' *' are required.

  1. Click the + Create Tax button.
  2. Enter the Name of the tax you are making.
  3. Add the Rate. This is the amount of tax you want to collect, for e.g. in some Canadian provinces there is a 5% GST tax on goods and services.
  4. Under the Type drop-down, select either Percentage or Fixed. Fixed changes the Rate to a dollar amount versus taking a Percentage of the total amount being charged.
  5. Verify the State is Enabled.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat steps to create additional tax rules.
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