User Groups

Who can use this feature

Site Admin, Channel Admin

Supported features: Single PurchasePackages, Restricted Users


User Groups are used to assist in designating user permissions for individual pages, videos and events. Assigned users of a group inherit that group's permissions and also retain any permissions they have separately. Users can also be assigned to more than one group as determined by the site administrator.

Before you begin: User Management 

The User Group feature acknowledges registered users on your platform. Prior to completing the steps below, please verify that the users you’d like to add to a group are registered to your platform. To learn more read our User Management article →

Video Tutorial

Chapter markers:

  • [00:00:04] Intro
  • [00:00:57] The User Groups Management Section
  • [00:01:56] Add new user to the Group & create their account
  • [00:02:28] Add Users with an existing account
  • [00:03:00] Import Users via .csv
  • [00:03:11] Where to find the .csv template
  • [00:03:41] Editing the .csv
  • [00:04:17] Uploading the .csv
  • [00:04:31] Remove vs Delete in User Groups
  • [00:05:05] Controlling Content Access with your User Groups
  • [00:05:47] An example: Adding a User Group to a VOD
  • [00:06:55] User Group State (Enabled/Disabled)

Opening the User Groups Screen

You can access User Groups from the back end of your platform.

  1. On the left hand side menu click on User Groups
  2. The page opens with a dashboard and the following details


The following information in the table below is displayed in the User Groups dashboard. Click on any of the tabs to learn more about it.

The title of your User Group

The description of your User Group

The amount of users in the Group

Enable or Disable the user group

Make changes to the user group

Remove the user group

Create User Group

Assign Registered Users from your platform to a User Group. 

  1. Click the +Create User Group button
  2. The editor window will open
  3. Enter the Group Name
  4. Add a Description of the User Group (optional) 
  5. Use the dropdown to determine the state: Enabled or Disabled
  6. Click Save to complete

Adding Users to a Group

Once a User Group has been created you can import a user list or add users individually.

Add New Users

Individually enter the email addresses of registered users.

  1. Click +Add New User button
  2. Enter at least three consecutive letters of the registered users email address
  3. Select the desired email address in the dropdown list 
  4. Click the Add Users Into The Group (Name) button
  5. The user will be added and visible on the dashboard with additional functions (Edit, Remove)

Importing Users

Create and import multiple registered users to a User Group using a .csv file.

Before you begin

Prior to completing the steps below you must create a new file using the Vidflex™ .csv template. Your platform has the capability to upload 500 users at one time.

  1. Once a .CSV file is saved to your files, click the Import Users button
  2. Select the file and click Open
  3. The file will upload with a upload status bar visible
  4. When complete the user details will appear in the dashboard

    If you receive a status message that file has failed, review your .csv file to ensure all details are accurate and in the correct format

Users Profile

The following information is displayed inside of a user's profile screen

The email address of the user

The users first name

The users last name

Enabled or Disabled

Verified or New (Determined from the User Management Screen>

Make changes to the user's profile details

Going to the user's profile from this screen will return you to the User Management Screen. Clicking back takes you back to the user group being worked on.

Remove the user from the User Group

Adding User Groups to Content


Your user group community makes it easy to share files and documents as you can provide permissions to a specific group within a video or live event container. Only the user groups you've selected will have access to this file.

If you select this option and you don't select any user groups below, then no users will have access to this file


Once pricing has been enabled on a Video or Live Event you can provide Group Guest Access allowing Users the ability to watch the content and bypass the payment process. In this section, you have the option to add more than one user group. 

Access Permissions

Configure the Restricted Users permissions for users who are logged in and in the configured user list or group to access your content.