
Who can use this feature

Site Admin

Supported features: User Pages


The Sub-Menu Widget is a navigation bar on a page that links to other sub-pages.

Available on these pages: 


All page templates with "Sub-Page" in its name will automatically include a sub-menu widget. Those pages are are then automatically linked in the front end sub-menu for a user to click on to navigate the pages displayed there.

Below is an example of what the screenshot above is showing in its sub-menu.

Customize Theme

See the Site Theme Builder article to learn more about enabling and accessing the theme builder prior to making any changes.

Once the theme builder is active on the back end of your platform you can make changes using the front end shortcut icon on the header menu.

The pen and paper icon for the theme builder will not display on the front end header if it hasn't been enabled first

The following table describes the customizable elements on the theme builder for the submenu section. You can either add a hex code value into the provided field or use the color palette to choose the desired color for that element.

Learn More about opening, activating and editing the Site Theme Builder

Element Description

Background Color: hex code or use color palette

Font Family: font name

Font Size: numerical

Font Style: normal/bold 

Font Weight: light/normal/bold

Link Color: hex code

Link Hover Color: hex code or use color palette

Link Active Color: hex code or use color palette