Live Event Import

Who can use this feature

Super Admins


You can now import a large list (Max 400) of live events, instead of individually creating them!

Template Download

Download the Live Event Import here - Live Event Import Template

Column Definitions

Name: The name of the event as you want it to appear

Timezone: The timezone the event will be presented in 

Note: This must match the platforms format description of a timezone (eg. America/Edmonton)

Event start date: The date of the event start

Note: Must be in the format of dd/mmm/yy (eg. 30-Jun-23)

Event Start Time: The scheduled start time of the event (eg. 09:00 AM)

Description: The description you would like to include in the container “Description” inside the “General” tab

Shortdesc: The short description you would like to include in the container “Short Description” inside the “General” tab

Publish: Defined by “Yes”, “No”, “Y” or “N” if you would like the imported container to be in the published or unpublished state when first imported

UUID: This is the unique identifier for the container, once it has been imported, and the updated .csv is downloaded to your browsers default downloads folder. When first importing your .csv you will see “NEW” under the “UUID” column on the confirmation screen 

Persistent Stream: This column is used to define the persistent stream this container should be assigned to, if it is meant to be a VFP container. Leaving this column blank for any container will result in it being created on VFL.

Note: The persistent stream included in this column must match the spelling of the intended persistent stream exactly (Case Sensitive)

Seller: The name of the seller must be included in this column, if the container is to be added to a package, or have an individual price rule set. This information can be found on the left hand side menu under “E-Commerce”>”Seller”>and the seller name can be found under the “Name” column

Price: The price you would like to set for the individual event. Creating a PPV price for the container (eg. 5.99)

Package: You can add any applicable container(s) into a pre-created package, by going to Packages under Channel Settings: 

  1. Find package name
  2. Under the “General” tab, copying and pasting the “UUID” into the import file in the “package” column

Note: You must include the “seller” column if you are going to add the imported events to a package, or add an individual PPV price to the container under the “price” column

Cover Image: Currently unavailable

Background Image: Currently unavailable

Attributes: Attributes are added to imported containers if they are defined in the column, first by defining the attribute group, then the attribute separated by a “/”, without the quotes. If additional attribute groups and attributes need to be applied, they are added by separating them by a comma, and space. 

Example: If my attribute group is “Sports” and the attribute I want to assign is “Basketball” I would write “Sports/Basketball” in the “attributes” column, for that container. For additional attributes I would write it as “Sports/Basketball, Division/Mens” (without the quotes).

Categories: Follow the same rules as attributes above. The exception is that categories do not have anything nested in them, so just write the name of the category you want to add the event to.

Additional info on Attributes, and Categories:

  • If the attribute and category do not exist, they will be created and assigned
  • If they do exist, they will be assigned
  • If cells in the column are left blank on initial import, none will be assigned
  • If cells in the column are blank on an updated sheet import, that previously had attributes in it, the attributes will be un-assigned

Filling out your .CSV template

  1. Fill out your .csv file including all necessary information, following the steps above. The following columns are mandatory to fill out for a successful import
  • name
  • timezone
  • event start date
  • event start time

Importing your .CSV template

  1. Login to your account
  2. Navigate to “Live Event Import” on the left hand side menu
  3. Click “Import”
  4. Choose your file to upload
  5. Verify the “Name” and “Start Date” are correct on the listed events
  6. Click “Import” at the bottom of the screen
  7. Wait for the green status bar to finish
  8. This will then download a copy of the .csv file to your default browser download location
  • You will use this newly downloaded .csv to make any updates to the currently imported events, if mass updates are needed

Note: This newly downloaded sheet must be used to update events, if the original imported sheet is used, it will create duplicate containers. Double check you are updating, and importing the newly downloaded .csv sheet by confirming there is a unique identifier under the “uuid” column